Little Rock, Arkansas - Luby's Cafeteria

               So today I'm going to talk about my second experience in a Cafeteria,( that's outside of a school :p), called Luby's Cafeteria. This was my first time at Luby's, but I went to a Cafeteria before this one, which I unfortunately forgot to take photos of. (It was called Franke's Cafeteria, if you're interested.)

                  Luby's Cafeteria is currently in three states only, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. The one I will be talking about is located at West Markham, the only one in Arkansas. For those who never went to a Cafeteria style restaurant, I'll explain how it works.  They have the food arranged in a line, with different servers in each section. You get a tray and some plates in the beginning, and you stay in line as you get what you want. The payment is done a bit differently in each cafeteria, but it seems Luby's charge by the amount, with each item having a different price. Once you're done paying, you get to sit wherever you want. It went about 11$ for three people, so it was about 30$ for the group I went with. For drinks,you get a glass and put the drink yourself.

                The food had some good and so-so items, in my opinion. I got some mashed potatoes, roast beef with grilled onions, macaroni and cheese, and some green jello for dessert. The mash potatoes have no flavor or salt in it, and it didn't come with any gravy either. That's one item I don't recommend. The roast beef on the other hand, although a tad salty, wasn't too bad, and tasted quite good with the onions, so I recommend trying that at least. The macaroni had flavor to it, and wasn't very bland, so it fills you up. The jello tasted like apple flavored jello, and wasn't bad either. The have regular fountain drinks, and sweet/unsweet tea, so I just got a regular soda.

                                                                  The entrance.
                                         The food line- it reminds me of a conveyor belt. :p
                                     My plate. The onions tasted really good with the meat.
          Overall, I think Luby's is a good place to go if you want a quick bite, but it might be preferable to go with only one or two people since the price is by how many items you purchase. It's not 5-star restaurant food, but it's not fast food either.
