Sweet Mildred Review - Etsy Shop
Hey everyone! I'm slowly recovering from the blues, and am starting to feel a bit perky again.I
wanted to do a review of Sweet Mildred. (You can see her Facebook here.) I heard good reviews
about her before, and on December, pre-ordered a skirt lucky pack from her. I paid on December
27,2012, and had to wait until February 10th, when it was shipped. (The pre-order mentioned it
would take about a month or so.) I got the package on the 13th, and it everything arrived with
no dents or damages.
When I opened it, I saw the skirt and hair pieces were really fine quality.She wasn't someone
who was practicing her sewing, she was a professional seamstress. I wanted sweet, so I got a
skirt in pink, with pink hair accessories. The stitching was done in fine seams, and was well
constructed.The hair pieces, (and skirt), felt like some basics coming from an actual Japanese
brand, and the fabric is a nice quality cotton too. I recommend her, and plan on buying from
her again!